QNX Software Support for esd Hardware Products
From Resource Managers to Software Stacks
QNX Resource Manager and BSPs
Software stacks for CANopen and EtherCAT
ARM, PowerPC...
RTOS-UH Support and Services
30 Years Experience with RTOS-UH
Kernel drivers and libraries
Board Support Packages (BSPs)
Supported architectures: MC 68xxx, MC 683xx and...
Hard Real-time Subsystem Extension Plug-In to Microsoft Windows
RTX/RTX64 Drivers and Stacks from an experienced Solution Partner
CAN device driver
CANopen and J1939 protocol...
Develop and simulate your NTCAN based Application without CAN Hardware
Execute NTCAN API based Applications
Designed to test NTCAN-API based CAN applications
Runs your CAN...
VxWorks Support and Services
Experience in a wide Range of VxWorks Applications
Kernel driver and libraries
Embedded VxWorks for x86, ARM, PowerPC and QorIQ
Software protocol...
Support and Services for Microsoft Windows
More than 20 Years of Experience with Windows Operating Systems
Extensive expertise in kernel mode device driver development...
PCI-CAN Interface (Layer 2, CANopen or J1939)
1 or 2 Channel low-cost CAN Interface for PCs
Passive high-speed CAN interfaces according to ISO 11898, electrically isolated
PCI-CAN Interface for 66 MHz PCI Systems (Layer 2, CANopen or J1939)
1 or 2 channel low cost CAN interface for PCs
Works at 66 MHz PCI and 33 MHz PCI systems (PCI...
1 or 2 Channel PCI-CAN Interface (Layer 2, CANopen or J1939)
1 or 2 Channel CAN Interface for PCs available with high-speed and low-speed CAN Versions
Up to two high-speed CAN...
High Performance PCI-CAN-Interface
High-end PC board for the PCI bus
Microcontroller 68360 with real-time operating system
Up to 32 MB DRAM
PCI-Bridge QSPAN CA91860...
or 4 Channel PCI-CAN Interface with esdACC (Layer 2, CANopen, J1939 or ARINC825)
PCI Board for up to 4xCAN
2x or 4x High-Speed CAN interfaces according to ISO 11898-2
PCI bus...
1, 2 or 4 Channel PCI-CAN Interface (Layer 2, CANopen or J1939)
PCI Board with High-Performance Altera FPGA for up to 4x CAN
1x, 2x or 4x CAN interfaces according to ISO...
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