IRIG-B and Additional Features
Analog and digital IRIG-B inputs
Synchronized timestamps (even without IRIG-B signal) over several CAN-USB/400-IRIG-B via additional RS-485 interface
External trigger I/Os for Error Injection
Miscellaneous I/Os for customized functionality
Optimized Architecture
Attached to USB via FIFO's and driven by esd Advanced CAN Core (esdACC), the CAN-USB/400 is designed for minimum latency CAN communication via USB.
Error Injection
A feature pretty unique on standard CAN interfaces. Error Injection provides means to simulate error conditions on CAN bus. Bit patterns can be injected into any living CAN bus. Several trigger conditions and modes are provided.
Software Support
Operating system independent CAN layer 2 API (NTCAN)
Driver Support for Windows
Multiple Higher Level Protocols available for Windows
CANopen Master- and Slave-Stack
ARINC825Drivers and software support for other operating systems are available on request.Check attachment for Software Support