Wireless CAN Bridge
The CAN-AIR/2 is designed for bridging two different CAN networks via a radio link. It supports data exchange between CAN nets with two different baud rates. This standalone mode can be used for example to get access to CAN modules installed at turning machine parts or replacement of slip rings via a point-to-point connection (see example 1 below).
Wireless PC-Interface
Todays most common PC interface USB is used to configure CAN-AIR/2. But beside this - CAN-AIR/2 enables a PC to transmit and receive CAN data via USB and CANAIR/2 into and from a distant CAN-AIR/2, e.g. service and maintenance (see application example 2 below).
CAN Interface
The CAN interface is designed according to ISO11898 with electrical isolation and bit rates up to 1 Mbit/s.
LED Indicator
Four LEDs indicate the state of the modules interfaces.
Power Supply
5 VDC directly via USB interface or 12/24 VDC via external power supply.
Software Support
Software drivers for Windows2K/XP/Vista/7/8 (32/64 bit) are included in delivery.
CAN-AIR/2 comes with an easy to use Windows based configuration tool. All settings will be stored within the device.
The firmware can be updated from the PC. Updates are available on the esd website.
Additional free-of-charge esd CAN tools for Windows offer efficient setup and analysis of CAN applications and networks.
Drivers and software support for other operating systems are available on request.Check attachment for Software Support