The 1350 Series Exacta 2 digital torque and angle wrench.
Torque and angle wrenches have become increasingly popular because they provide significantly greater accuracy in estimating clamping force from torque. Why? Because knowing the thread pitch on a fastener and calculating the degrees of rotation for that fastener once snug torque is reached, you can calculate the distance the fastener has stretched.
That stretch provides the basis for the clamping force calculation. It is so accurate that car companies have gone to torque and angle and reduced bolt size to reduce the weight of cars and trucks to get better gas mileage. That is only one assembly application. There are hundreds more!
Please Note: the Quick Change dovetail should NEVER be used with any of the adapters or extensions. This includes the J Adapter, the Y Adapter, the DIN Style Adapter, the Standard Tooling Adapter, and any of the extensions.